Look at that! Keeping you from taking too much damage while also healing you from the small amounts of damage you'll take while receiving tower shields! The most i can say is... I want one!
See Ya in the Spiral!
~Strong Sorcerer~
Look at that! Keeping you from taking too much damage while also healing you from the small amounts of damage you'll take while receiving tower shields! The most i can say is... I want one!
See Ya in the Spiral!
~Strong Sorcerer~
It is truly evil! I couldn't even make it past the first part!
~Sean Dragonflame~
I just think it's cool.
Cya in the Spiral!
~Strong Sorcerer~
Not a very high level yet but this guy has potential! Potential I tell you!
See You in the Spiral!
That's how it looks in the game. Notice how it is not on the wall (and also tightly cropped so you don't see my house).
P.S. Talon Nightshade asked me what I use for my pictures. I just use sandard paint for cropping screen shots.
See Ya in the Spiral!